Sitecore client login issue after adding multiple host names
In one of my projects, I have installed Sitecore 9.3 and integrated it with my Visual Studio solution code file everything was working fine. After adding multiple host name as i was setting up multi-site sitecore instance i was not able to login to sitecore client it was showing me the error message as below :
Let’s resolve this by following below steps :
step 1 : Go to Sitecore Identity server local path in your system as below :
step 2: Edit the file named Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml in to the below section :
step 3 : Add entries in to the <AllowedCorsOriginsGroupl> section and save the file .
step 3 : Restart the App pool for identity server and try to login sitecore client using custom host url login will be successful after performing above steps :
I hope this post will help someone to save time .
Happy Learning .